Reference Number: 25
Year: 2010
Link: Link to original paper
Nutrition: Amino Acids | Antioxidants | Minerals
Lactic Acid Bacteria: Heterofermentative | Homofermentative | Prevalence
Lactobacillus plantarum LB1 and Lactobacil- lus rossiae LB5, isolated from wheat germ and selected based on the kinetics of acidification, were used as starters for the manufacture of sourdough fermented wheat germ. A bread containing sourdough fermented wheat germ as an ingredient (SFWGB) was compared to breads made with (raw wheat germ bread, RWGB) or without (wheat flour bread, WFB) raw wheat germ. The higher concentration of free amino acids mainly differentiated SFWGB from WFB and RWGB. The in vitro protein digestibility of WFB was the highest, even if sourdough fermentation of wheat germ attenuated the difference. Phytase and antioxidant activities of SFWGB were highest. The specific volume and cell- total areas were also the highest for SFWGB. As deter- mined by texture profile analysis, the values of hardness, resilience and fracturability of breads containing wheat germ were lower than those found in WFB. The crust lightness showed a decrease from WFB to SFWGB. As determined by sensory analysis, SFWGB had mainly acid taste and flavour and resulted more salty. Sourdough fermented wheat germ is an ingredient able to enhance nutritional, texture and sensory properties of bread.
This study used the freeze-dried sourdough fermented wheat germ as an ingredient (4%, wt/wt of wheat flour) for the manufacture of white bread. This concentration was chosen to mimic the percentage of wheat germ in the kernel. The study compared the nutritional and sensory characteristics of sourdough fermented wheat germ containing bread with non slow fermented wheat germ containing bread. The concentration of total free amino acids of sourdough dough fermented wheat germ bread was the highest. The sourdough fermentation increased the concentration of the wheat flour phenolic compounds. The use of freeze-dried sourdough fermented wheat germ had positive effect also on the texture and sensory properties of the white bread.