Wholegrain power Why is the use of a quality cereal grain in our bakes so important? One of the reasons is ferulic acid. This is a phytochemical, classed as a polyphenol and found in the cell walls of plants and cereal grains. It is amazing to realise that 90 per cent of the polyphenols in a cereal grain come from ferulic acid. This compound protects the plant or grain against ultraviolet radiation and pathogens through its functional antioxidant properties... This post is part of the Reseach Level Nutrition & Digestibility of Bread Course
Ferulic Acid | Research Level
All reasonable care is taken when advising about health aspects of bread, but the information that we share is not intended to take the place of treatment by a qualified medical practitioner. You must seek professional advice if you are in any doubt about any medical condition. Any application of the ideas and information contained on this website is at the reader's sole discretion and risk.