Unfortunately Vanessa is not able to answer individual questions that are emailed.
We receive dozens of home bakers looking for advice. Some of these involve very detailed explanations of what they are doing with their starter and their dough. Whilst we appreciate that people want help with their sourdough, we are a small business and simply don’t have the capacity to answer individual questions… there just aren’t enough hours in the day. You can however join The Sourdough Club, where Vanessa teaches live most weeks.
Generally we offer the following advice to those contacting us –
Vanessa’s book, The Sourdough School, is a comprehensive guide to sourdough, based on her years of baking experience. Reading the step by step introduction to sourdough, and working through the recipes will give you lots of baking practice and should help answer many of the question you have.
Consider booking onto one of our 12 month online courses with tuition from Vanessa. There are three courses available, each one suitable for different levels of baking experience. The cost of the course includes a sourdough starter and a ceramic pot to keep it in, 12 months of guided tuition through a wealth of online material, and two skype calls with Vanessa to discuss your progress at key points during the course. These calls are a chance to learn, get lots of baking tips and ask any questions you might have regarding your own sourdough baking.