People often remark that Vanessa’s approach to teaching is fundamentally different from traditional courses. She attributes this to grounding her teaching in the Japanese theory of “Ba” and teaching from a home based classroom has been the foundation of this approach.
“Ba,” was introduced by Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi, in 1995 and represents a shared space that fosters interactions for knowledge creation and sharing. Vanessa set out to create an environment that is about bringing together people, ideas, and information in a way that sparks collective learning and innovation. Rather than follow conventional teaching methods, The Sourdough School is about being part of a vibrant community where knowledge is co-created and shared and this is key to learning how baking at home or in a bakery is activism. This theory is also followed on in the live sessions online each week.
Learning here is not a matter or being lectured – to is a collaborative and interactive processes. To personalise bread participants are encouraged to share their experiences, insights, and techniques and this makes each workshop and class a unique experience rhrough collective wisdom in baking. This isn’t just about a single person teaching; it’s about all of us learning together. By building a community of learners who support and inspire each other students are encouraged to do the same, and likewise transform bread through sharing.
The style Vanessa is about experimenting, and reflecting on the experience, integrating many disciplines—nutrition, microbiology, and lifestyle medicine—into our teaching, providing a comprehensive understanding that goes far beyond the bread itself.
It is important to to understand that The Sourdough School is more than just a place to learn; it’s a dynamic, collaborative space where students are expected to participate as knowledge is shared, developed, and applied in ways that benefit both individuals and the broader community. This is the heart of what we do—creating a unique personalised learning environment that inspires and supports a shift in the way you understand bread and your role as a baker.