The Awards are designed to help people who want to be part of the change join our systems change programme. The course is a 2-year programme, and we recognise that it’s an expensive commitment. We understand that some of the people best placed to make a difference may not be able to afford the fees. We didn’t want this to be a barrier to entry, so Vanessa created a self-funding systems change programme. This innovative approach provides farmers with support, bakers with amazing flour, and customers with gut-nourishing, phenomenal bread. Our Botanical Blend Flour is specifically designed to support gut health, promoting overall wellbeing through the bread it produces. The educational programme allows us to share knowledge where people can make the most difference, emphasising the connection between good bread and health. From this, we created the Awards to make our systems change programme affordable for people who want to join but need some financial help to be able to participate, all while promoting healthier communities through better bread.
A lifetime of understanding
I have always known that the food industry creates refined food that is more addictive than cocaine. Ultra Processed food manufacturers make foods, and baked goods specifically with bliss points to be so irresistible that it has hijacked our brain chemistry, often advertised to the poorest people and minorities.
Thirty years ago, in 1992, two events happened in the same week. I ate my very first Green and Blacks chocolate bar. I savoured and celebrated each piece of a farmer cooperative fairly produced chocolate. The same week I was part of a group helping to collect and analyse data in the psychology department for one of the largest food and beverage groups in the world. Our work was on decision-making at the point of sale. The purpose of the study was to provide evidence of how to manipulate human stress responses to elicit a favourable response to maximise profit. We ran focus groups and product tests to determine the most favourable outcomes. Witnessing first-hand the extensive research on how to influence free will was chilling and gave me a unique insight into how the global food giants were consciously subverting public health.
As I learned more, I realised that we are starving and harming the microbes in our guts that produce the metabolites that our brains and bodies need to function. This isn’t just food injustice. This is slow-motion genocide, as our food system is also one of the main drivers of climate change.
I believe we can revers this, but only if we have a framework, to use as a game plan and an army of individuals who are prepared to standup for health as a basic human right. If you are one of these people then you have come to the right place.