Vanessa Kimbell heads up The Sourdough School. She is is a renowned baker, sourdough expert, and founder of The Sourdough School in the UK. She is also an advocate for sustainability, environmental stewardship, and social justice in the food system.
We practice Baking as Lifestyle Medicine and contribute to social justice in several ways:
Health and well-being: we advocate for the health benefits of baking as lifestyle medicine, which can contribute to the overall well-being of individuals. By promoting healthier food choices, she supports social justice by addressing health inequalities often exacerbated by poor diets.
Education and empowerment: Vanessa’s work at The Sourdough School not only teaches people about the art of sourdough baking but also helps them understand the broader implications of their food choices. By educating people about sustainable and ethical food practices, she empowers them to make better decisions and contribute to a more just food system.
Sustainable and ethical food practices: We emphasise the importance of sustainable and ethical food practices, including sourcing ingredients from local, organic, and fair-trade suppliers. By doing so, we support local economies, encourage environmentally friendly agriculture, and contribute to fair labour practices.
Collaborations and partnerships: we are involved in various partnerships and collaborations with organizations that support social justice, environmental sustainability, and fair labour practices. By working with these organizations, Vanessa helps raise awareness about the broader implications of food choices and contributes to positive change in the food system.
Food waste reduction: Vanessa’s focus on sourdough baking, in particular, is a way to address food waste issues. Sourdough bread is more digestible and has a longer shelf life compared to other types of bread, which can help reduce food waste. Moreover, the process of making sourdough bread utilizes wild yeast and bacteria present in the environment, which is a more sustainable approach than using commercial yeast.
Our work is directly focused on social justice issues and promoting sustainable, ethical, and healthy food practices that contribute to creating a more equitable and environmentally responsible food system.