It can take about a year of baking before you really rock out an amazing loaf instinctively. That is one of the reasons why we designed the Sourdough Club to be an annual subscription. It takes time to get to know your flour and your kitchen and understand your starter. This lesson will help you manage your expectations throughout your sourdough baking journey. To continue reading, subscribe now for unlimited access. Subscribe
Managing Expectations
Learning Objective
In this lesson, you will find out how you can manage your expectations for that first loaf and how you can reassess those expectations throughout your baking journey. It will encourage you to find joy in the baking process regardless of the outcome, and to learn from your mistakes in order to become a better baker.
Learning Outcome
You will be able to manage your expectations along your sourdough baking journey, so that you can become a more confident baker.
All reasonable care is taken when advising about health aspects of bread, but the information that we share is not intended to take the place of treatment by a qualified medical practitioner. You must seek professional advice if you are in any doubt about any medical condition. Any application of the ideas and information contained on this website is at the reader's sole discretion and risk.