Pre-shaping and shaping are key to your sourdough baking process and determine the structure of your loaf. In these two videos, Vanessa demonstrates and talks you through the techniques so that you can keep practicing with every bake. To continue reading, subscribe now for unlimited access. Subscribe
Preshape & Final Shape
Learning Objective
These two videos will explain how to pre-shape and shape your dough. You will learn these techniques at a pace that you can follow, watch back and continue to practice. You will find out why you need to become confident in these skills to improve the outcome of your sourdough baking.
Learning Outcome
You will understand why pre-shaping and shaping are important for the structure of your sourdough bread and know the methods for each, which you can practice over time with each loaf you make.
All reasonable care is taken when advising about health aspects of bread, but the information that we share is not intended to take the place of treatment by a qualified medical practitioner. You must seek professional advice if you are in any doubt about any medical condition. Any application of the ideas and information contained on this website is at the reader's sole discretion and risk.