Reference Number: 166
Year: 2014
Link: Link to original paper
Nutrition: Antioxidants | Polyphenols
Changes in the free ferulic acid (FFA) contents and antioxidant properties during bread making processes
were determined. Experimental breads were produced from whole meal and white wheat and rye flours, and fermented using either baker’s yeast or sourdough starter. Sourdough fermented bread contained the highest content of FFA. Release of occurred mainly during dough fermentation. A further increase in the ferulic acid content in the bread crumb and a decrease in the crust was observed. Total antioxidant properties of sourdough bread, defined as the sum of lipophilic and hydrophilic compound activities, were significantly (p<0.05) higher than for yeast bread. Sourdough bread contained more methanol soluble phenolic compounds, proteins, tocochromanols, and oxidized products of fatty acids than yeast bread. The equilibrium between the anti- and pro-oxidative compound contents resulted in similar antioxidant properties for bread using both types of fermentation, and to results observed for the flour used for baking