Location: United Kingdom
Profession: Home Baker
Social Profiles
Personal Information
Preferred Name: Caroline - Timezone: London
Enrollment Status: 3 Enrolled
Online Course: BALM Diploma - 2022
In Person Course
Course: Teacher Training
Date: 11 / 09 - September / 2023
In Person Course Location: The Sourdough School - UK Northampton
Emergency Contact: Martin McGrath 07930 483 866
WooCommmerce Orders
Interview notes - 12 Jun 2023
General Notes - 1 Jan 1970
Has to move course due to daughters operation ?
Personalised Bread Package
Every morning I have my favourite breakfast if I possibly can - sourdough, cultured butter, Marmite, poached egg and sprinkled seeds - plus homemade kefir and a piece of fruit. It's the breakfast of kings! I also often have sourdough for lunch too, perhaps with unpasteurised cheese, walnuts, fermented vegetables of some description (kimchi or my current favourite white cabbage and beetroot), and a dollop of homemade sriracha on the side. Then another piece of fruit.
How I use BALM Protocol
As a starry eyed young economics graduate, I left university and took a seemingly rather glamorous job lobbying on behalf of big food, pharma, chemical and oil companies. After 10 years of watching things from the inside, my perspective changed drastically - you could say game keeper turned poacher (or perhaps the reverse?).
My husband is a GP and I have watched with horror from the sidelines as the NHS become increasingly overwhelmed by health problems often caused by ill-informed lifestyle choices. I am convinced that a major part of the solution lies on our plates. Investment and education in preventative healthcare - empowering our population to make positive changes to help them live a happier, healthier life - is vital.
So it is in this area that I hope to devote my energies once I have graduated; I'm not quite sure how or where yet but this is a journey for me and am incredibly excited to be attending the course.