Location: United Kingdom
Profession: Professional Baker
Social Profiles
Personal Information
Enrollment Status: 3 Enrolled
Online Course: BALM Diploma - 2022
WooCommmerce Orders
Interview notes - 24 Oct 2022
General Notes - 1 Jan 1970
"Do keep this private if possible
My partner suffered(s) from toxic colitis and crohns and had a colostomy around 8 years ago which has left him with a colostomy bag. I was wondering if you'd be able to discuss a little about how the gut microbiome/digestion is affected by this sort of trauma to the digestive system/processes. Alongside many mental health issues it has caused, he also struggles greatly with his diet and I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction of some useful resources of academic papers to read around the topic. Of course, I understand that you are unable to give medical advice but I'm just interested to do some research myself now that we are at a good point in the course to do so. "
"I am interested in the science of fermentation (experimenting with kombucha, kefir and sourdough at home) and have experienced first hand its benefits on my physical and mental health. "
Personalised Bread Package
My favourite way to eat bread is shared with colleagues, fresh out the oven after a 5am start with a big hunk of salted cultured butter on top. Selfishly, I bake for myself mostly because of the deep satisfaction I get when I first see the successful loaf through the oven glass or a cut into a croissant I've made with thousands of beautiful layers. Of course, my family and close friends are also (normally!) the glad recipients of bread, cakes and other things I've made and I'm always armed with something baked when arriving at a social event.
I'm currently living in Belfast with my partner Johnjoe and our two dogs Gloria and Ronnie. Our life seems to revolve around food and where it comes from and we are lucky to be part of a small community of growers, bakers, butchers, chefs and farmers who are doing their best to work in regenerative ways.
How I use BALM Protocol
For me, the knowledge will help me to nourish my gut with the aim of improving my mental health. I've been medicated for depression and anxiety in the past and I don't regret it but now feel empowered with the knowledge gained from the diploma course to help myself via nutrition, in a holistic and more lifestyle oriented way. I also love the way the course has given me the confidence to bake on a more intimate and individual level in my kitchen at home, transferring my skills from a professional kitchen into a more personal setting has been such an exciting and comforting experience.