Location: United Kingdom
Profession: GP
Personal Information
Enrollment Status: 3 Enrolled
Online Course: BALM Diploma - 2022
WooCommmerce Orders
Interview notes - 2 Oct 2022
General Notes - 1 Jan 1970
I have added your details to our list for the 2022 Online Diploma course as a gift from Vanessa and we will be in touch nearer the time with all the information. It starts in September this year.
Personalised Bread Package
I am a GP working in Hackney and also with Doctors of the World UK. I have been baking bread and fermenting for a little while, mostly as respite from my busy day job. Since having a baby in February I have been juggling trying to keep this going whilst raising a little human on little sleep!
I bake for my family and friend, usually making 2 loaves so I can give one away. My favourite way to eat bread is toasted and slathered with butter and marmite.
How I use BALM Protocol
Doing this course will help me understand the gut microbiome and how bread and grains can support gut diversity. I look forward to sharing this knowledge with my patients, but also to make more nutritious loaves to share with those I love.