Location: Vietnam
Profession: Home Baker
Social Profiles
Personal Information
Preferred Name: Joey - Timezone: London+7
WooCommerce Order Link - 30 Sep 2022
General Notes - 1 Jan 1970
Asked to get sourdough school translated into vietnamise
"I am delighted to inform you that Vanessa would like to offer you a 100% Scholarship place on our Bake for Health Certificate which commences in September. She understands that you may face some challenges with attending the live classes due to the time difference, but you can catch up with these when you are able to."
"I run a cafe or bakery that has a social change programme, I intend to teach more people especially young people about bread, baking and fermentation and how we can nourish nature and at the same time benefit from it."
Personalised Bread Package
1. What is your favorite way to eat bread?
I enjoy bread in every form but the most I prefer is with butter
2.Who do you bake for?
I have a ten-seater coffee shop which I serve bread (bagels/ milk bread, seeded bread) in slices with butter, lacto - jam & red bean paste.
I also bake once a week for those customers preorder my leaven bread (4-5 loaf)
How I use BALM Protocol
I would like to encourage people to eat proper bread and to bake themselves. The more people understand the more chances for bread industry to change because right now the Vietnam Industrial bread is full of chemicals (under the name of dough conditioners) some of them even can cause cancer.
I also would like to educate people to have more awareness for daily consumptions same as Principle #7 (Make lifetime changes) in bread protocol.