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Location: United Kingdom
Profession: Home Baker
Social Profiles
Bread is so simple, yet complex, in it's simplest form it is nourishing, comforting and nutritious with no toppings, just dry! Often times when having a bare slice of bread I cannot help to think of the poverty in the world and in particular in my home country South Africa. The idea is so simple yet it's so difficult to get every person just 1 slice of bread! On the flip side, bread is the centre of extravagant tables, anywhere around the word, bread plays such an important role!
Personally my favourite way is enjoying warm bread with my loved ones straight from the oven, mostly I too like many others cannot wait for it to cool down before slicing, and there's nothing better in that moment simply with heaps of good butter or garlic fermented honey! I find no bigger joy than gifting bread, it's impossible to eat it all anyway and baking less isn't an option! It's my meditation!
How I use BALM Protocol
Understanding bread, the soil systems, the connection from soil, grain, farmer, baker is a chain that is sadly so overlooked. Education and understanding that can be applied to anyone out there is my passion. Ensuring the knowledge and the food we produce is equally digestible and translatable.
I am grateful for the privelege I have to learn here together with Vanessa and the rest of my class mates and my dream is to relay my learnings to create equal opportunity for anyone out there to have access to good nourishing foods, and if it's not available by purchase or by affordability to provide education of how simple it really is to produce at home!

Personal Information
Enrollment Status: 3 Enrolled
Online Course: BALM Diploma - 2022
In Person Course
Course: Teacher Training