Location: Singapore
Profession: Professional Baker
Social Profiles
Personal Information
Preferred Name: Susan - Timezone: London+8
WooCommerce Order Link - 2 Oct 2022
Personalised Bread Package
I love tearing at a rustic loaf with my hands, topping it off with a thick oat of good butter!
I bake for anyone who would eat my bread, especially those who have to navigate around dietary parameters and are in need of bread that would not aggravate their sensitive guts.
How I use BALM Protocol
I’d like to help more people along their digestive health journeys, showing them how eating properly fermented bread can improve their lives, physical and mental health. I’d like to demystify gluten, as it is so easy to just say “gluten free is the way to go”.
I dream of ultimately opening a wellness bread retreat, showing people they can help themselves so much by changing their dietary lifestyle and by baking, sharing and eating good bread.