Reference Number: 352
Year: 1994
Link: Link to original paper
Nutrition: Minerals | Vitamins
Inclusions: Poppy seeds
The proximate chemical composition of poppy seeds, along with minerals and water-soluble vitamins content was investigated. The compositions of the fatty acids and tocopherols of the extracted oil were also determined. The proximate analysis of poppy seeds showed the following composition: (440 g kg-1), protein (211 g kg-1), moisture (50 g kg-1), ash (63 g kg-1), crude fine (62 g kg-1) and total carbohydrates (236 g kg-1). Potassium and calcium were the predominant elements in the poppy seeds. Linoleic acid was the major unsaturated fatty acid (750 g kg-1 total fatty acids) while palmitic acid was the main saturated one (86-4 g kg?1). The amounts of a-, b- and d-tocopherols found in poppy seed oil were 220 ug g-1, 40 ug g-1 and 20 ug g-1 respectively. Among the water-soluble vitamins determined, pantothenic acid was found at the highest level followed by niacin and thiamin.

What does this mean for a Baker?
This is a very interesting study that highlights the nutritional value of poppy seeds. The study found that poppy seeds were a good source of many vitamins and minerals, including potassium and calcium. They also contain high amounts of protein and unsaturated fatty acids, which are referred to as the ‘good’ fats, as they can help to lower cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation. Why not try making these Sourdough Beetroot and Nigella seed Bagels but swap out the nigella seeds for poppy seeds instead?
You can buy our Diversity 8-Seeded Blend here with poppy seeds to use in your bread.